My logo above is made of three words: Compassion, Hope, and Healing. 

It portrays a sense of who I am, both professionally and personally.

My logo is a symbol that is made up of three words in Sanskrit, each listed below. It expresses my belief in the importance of multicultural knowledge, awareness, and openness, as well as self-awareness about one’s own culture, experiences of privilege and/or marginalization, and possible blind spots. Selecting an ancient language for my logo depicts both my desire to honor and acknowledge history and the past, and also bring into current life in a way that is meaningful and useful. I love learning about different communities, languages, religions, and cultures in the world, and I respect, value and integrate varied teachings and traditions. Being an avid international traveler and also going outside of my comfort zone and my own cultural upbringing adds vitality, awareness, and meaning to my life, my work, and life itself. The bright colors and designs of the logo highlight my creativity and love of art. My initials are included because what I do professionally, and who I am personally, are both essential to who I am. I am a psychologist who is analytical, knowledgeable, and highly trained by trade; I am a person who is sensitive, inquisitive, warm, and intuitive by nature. Finally, the three words represent my core values, the pillars of my work and what I strive to offer you.

Compassion can be defined as sympathetic and empathetic concern and care for the suffering of others. Other similar words are sensitivity, tolerance, warmth, and kindness. In order for you or your loved one to feel safe, I must be compassionate. Understanding you, from your point of view, and really understanding your lived experience and being compassionate and sensitive to what that is like is a key to our working together. Your experience is uniquely yours. My job is to really get you, compassionately and sensitively understanding you.
Hope can be described as an aspiration, desire, or wish. Others have described it as a belief in positive outcomes in the future. Struggling with emotional pain, being unable to stop engaging in destructive behavior, or having trouble understanding your own thoughts and mind, can leave you feeling like there is no hope for the future. Traumatic events or difficult losses can create a sense of hopelessness whether things can get better or if you can feel differently if there is any hope. I can hold the “hope” for you and find hope in you and in the possibility of change and answers so you can make changes and take the steps toward that change.

Healing literally means to “make whole,” indicating that healing is the process of restoring health to something unbalanced or wounded. The ultimate outcome from working together is for you to become healthier, feel more whole, and experience fewer ailments. There are many ways to heal your mind, body, and spirit, and we can incorporate the ones that fit you best. Through working together, my desire is for you to find some healing, whether that be feeling better, treating yourself better, or getting along better with your significant other/partner or teenage child. You will have to define and determine what healing will look like for you, and what your goals for treatment are, and together, we can work to make those happen.


With compassion and hope, healing can occur.